, applause, armed, authoritative, bravery, ceremony, culture, defense, detail, 11 Helped Win the diverse, enchant, equip, exception, genre, impact, lure, obstacle, shelter, supply, 68 War , vain alternative, avenue, belly, bid, blow, conflict, continent, current, disrespect, un an 11e . ...
What about those with a more intricate mind? To them saying "Hello!" as a greeting or "Goodbye!" when leaving doesn't really count as “speaking a foreign language”. Their desired expressions are relatively difficult, profound in meaning, larger in scope, structurally complicated and ...
incertainkindof writing.Therefore, somefeatures nli曲t befo衄dinsuch type of writng. Herearesome import锄t detailed principles onwhichme study a11d analysis r叩orted int11e followingChapter arebaSed: i.Only themesofmainclausesareconsidered. HaUiday(1985:62)asserts that“the maincontributioncomesf...
in botll feasibili谚孔d eXpl觚ato巧pow既Therem%on tlle basisof吐lis munewofka姗mberofsch01arshaVemadetheoreticaland practical researchesont11e su巧cctofcohesion. Byestablishing lexical cohesion model,Hocy enrich髓textualcoh船ion t11eories, ...
wordswitllint11e discourSe.SpeciaI attentionmustalsobe given t0 tlle咖azingly di丘brent、张ys inwhich parts ofnoun phrases如d eventscanhavesuchdiverse relationships. TherhetoricalleVelof lallguage ordiscoursemustalsobe carefullyanalyzed if oneisto ...
3)Wmataret11e位mslation s臼rategies foreaChcohesivedeviceiIltlleC-t0-E 缸anslationofRGW? 1.3 objectiVe and Significance ofthe Study 11lis study takestllecohesion tlleoD,ofHalliday锄dH船肌’s弱memeoretical f.0uIldationt0conductaconn镪tiVe study 0nRGW觚d也eir English versioIls 缸吼slated byCe...