今天给大家分享的资源是《English in mind》(第二版),这是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材,自推出以来席卷全球,风靡无数老师及学生,是一套国际班原版教材。不仅有大量的词汇和语法,同时文章更多地介绍了国外的文化等其他初中教材无法接触的内容,被誉为“新概念英语的终结者”。
English In Mind AME English In Mind 1、国际教程用书 2、教师用书和学生用书 3、每个级别都有:听力...
human reason, in one sphere of its cognition, is called upon to consider questions, which it cannot decline, as they are presented by its own nature, but which it cannot answer, as they transcend every faculty of the mind.分享 2赞泰国吧 拉比遥桑 想去曼谷找一个语言学校学泰语或者英语,...
Overall, English File 4th Edition is a unique, engaging, and effective English language course that empowers students to speak confidently and fluently in English. 资源明细 ——/2024更新/【多课吧DOC8.com-4339】English File 4th Edition 牛津中学英语教材全8级PDF+MP3音频+MP4视频 百度云网盘下载/ ├...