grade, rank, rate Amulett: 1. amulet, charm, talisman Anachronismus: 1. anachronism Anagram: 1. anagram Analogie: 1. analogy Analphabet: 1. illiterate Ananas: 1. pineapple Anapäst: 1. anapaest Anarchie: 1. anarchy Anarchismus: 1. anarchism Anatolien: 1. Anatolia, Asia Minor Anatomie...
at home 6. He was the thirteenth son of f. early Friday morning 7. worked in various g. allowed to work 8. This was his first job h. respects 9. a careful reformer i. to peace 10. women should be j. positions GAP FILL Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz ...
grade、In a recent study of children in an Illinois school,Alan Rossman of Northwestern university found automatic readers in the first grade who were reading almost three times as fast as the other children and scoring twice as high on comprehension tests、At fifth grade,the automatic ...
Figure 20. Windows Defender ATP shows an alert for suspicious code injections Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection alerts enterprise security teams of detections and allows them to investigate and respond to each security incident in a timely and effective manner. The service complements and ...
grade、In a recent study of children in an Illinois school,Alan Rossman of Northwestern university found automatic readers in the first grade who were reading almost three times as fast as the other children and scoring twice as high on comprehension tests、At fifth grade,the automatic ...