English A是以英语为母语的学习,难度本身是比较高的,放在hl就更高,是ib里英文最高级别的难度,能不...
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MJ Orosco,HL Swanson,R O’Connor,C Lussier 摘要: English language learners (ELLs) represent more than 5 million students in K-12 public schools in the United States, of which 75% are Spanish speaking (Planty et al., 2009). The challenges for many ELLs are not only overcoming a ...
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3,612 hours tutoring Response time:36 minutes Note that average response time is based on Deborah’s active hours, which are 1:00 am - 12:00 pm GMT+8. Fun, interactive teaching style Deborah has been a great Italian tutor for my high school-aged daughter. Deborah modifies her teaching ...
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Despite the growing recognition of the importance of multimodal input and digital virtual reality (VR) games in enhancing EFL learners’ productive language skills, a significant gap remains in empirical research examining their impact on multimodal outp
Historic Wallpaper Digitally Remastered: Early 20th Century Block Printed English Wallpaper in the Yin Yu Tang House at the PeBack Wall Before DismantlingHuang House Location