with a bald head, with false teeth, and with an incurable tic douloureux. I am myself as dingy and unsightly as my name is brilliant and splendid. My head and my hands tremble with weakness; my neck, as Turgenev says of one of his heroines, is like the handle of a double bass; m...
In both of the Shakespearean comedies, family interests and human pettiness get in the way of true, natural love, and nearly result in the useless deaths of romantic heroines. Hero feigns her death, and unlike Juliet, she gets marry the man she loves — even though he’s treated her horri...
Persuasion is Anne Elliot’s book. And like other Austen heroines, she too labours under various major difficulties. She lacks material resources and is, therefore, less eligible than she might otherwise be, particularly in a society which places a high value on financial competence in both partn...
Because it was deemed essential to display proper or decorous feeling on all occasions, Richardson’s heroines were always analyzing their emotions; they talked like a book of etiquette; they indulged in tears, fainting, transports of joy, paroxysms of grief, apparently striving to make themselves...
英语词根(Englishroots) TheEnglishsuffixsummarizesincludeEnglishadjectivesand nounsuffixes ListofallEnglishlexicalsuffixes [EnglishsuffixatthebeginningoftheletterA] 1.-abilityconstituteabstractnouns,indicating responsibilityresponsibilitysuchasnatureorstate; stabilitystability 2.,-able=capable,of,beingispossible;acceptabl...
That’s the gist of the setup. Now he launches into the story and oh, boy; it is the silliest story. Vogel’s vision of female advancement does not extend beyond lifting them into positions of power. Once so elevated, they behave exactly like stereotypical heroines in bad Victorian novels...
Heroines like these are no longer the women who, under the yoke of feudalism, cling about the neck of a father or a husband. They are able to defend themselves. In all, William Shakespeare‘s heroines belong to a new type. They are witty, brave, independent, optimistic and faithful. ...
1.…, and I had seen more than my share of old “college” movies where the heroes belonged to “jock” fraternities and the heroines to sophisticated sororities. …I had seen more old movies about college life than I was supposed to. In these movies, the heroes were always members of ...
heroines heroizes hesitant hesitate hessians hessites hiatuses hideless hidroses highness hilliest hiltless hinkiest hipbones hiplines hippiest hissiest histones hiveless hoariest hoarsest hocusses hoecakes hogmanes hognoses hokiness holeless holiness homeless homesick homesite homespun homestay homilies...
Boccaccio's book "On Famous Ladies," and Ovid, on Heroines, gave him hints and materials; he also uses Ovid's "Metamorphoses," the "?neid," and other sources of information. He is extremely severe on male flirts125. Have at thee, Jasoun I now thyn horn is blowe! but, far from ...