My Vote For Spot The Errors Good Average ERROR SPOTTING IN ENGLISH GRAMMAR When Use OfArticles: Example 1 It takes mea hourto reach the temple.ans:an hour - words beginning with ‘h’ such as: - hour, honour, honest, heir historical (adjective) are considered silent, so the vowel follow...
Home Correct spelling TYPES OF ERROR SPOTTING Error Spotting Explanation Wrong Nouns Wrong Pronouns Usage of Proper Nouns Compound Corrections Common Errors in Gender Singular and Plural Use of Adjectives Improper Prepositions Wrong Verbs Mistakes in Adverbs Missing Conjunctions Idiomatic Errors Common ...
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Grammar Tense Parts Of Speech Narration Figure Speech Active Voice and Passive Voice Clause Vocabulary Synonyms Antonyms Idioms Phrases One Word Substitution Confusing Words & Error spotting Foreign Words Verbal Ability Rearrange Sentences/Parajumble Choosing the Correct Word CUET English Topic-Wise Weightage...
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Try to stop making one grammar mistakeIf you often make one error such as missing off -s in verbs like “he says” or missing “a/ an” with countable nouns, choose one of those mistakes to concentrate all your efforts on in the next week, in the next fortnight or in the next ...
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Seating Arrangement Time & Distance Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting Puzzle Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere Paragraph Completion Tabulation Data Interpretation – Syllogism Ratio & Proportion, Percentage – Blood Relations Number Systems – Input-Output Sequence & Series – Coding-Decoding Permutation,...
Quiz yourself or your friends with fun but educational spot the error grammar exercises suitable for students of all ages!Play and learn with error spotting exercises from the most basic to advanced level! Practicing a language has never been so much fun! Download this learning quiz for free ...
Applying the Pronoun Agreement Grammar Rules on the ACT We've covered the basic rules for pronoun agreement and the types of errors you're likely to see on the ACT English. I've rounded up a summary of those rules and the key strategies you should practice for the test. ...