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Oxford Modern English Grammar is Oxford's brand new and definitive guide to English grammar. This book has been written by a leading expert in the field, covers both British and American English, and makes use of authentic spoken and written examples. Arranged in four clear parts for ease of...
Written by one of the world's leading grammarians, The Oxford English Grammar is an authoritative review of and topic reference for English grammar. Opening with an outline of national, regional, and social variation in English, the book details descriptive and prescriptive approaches and attitudes...
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出版社: 商务印书馆 ISBN:9787100121064 版次:1 商品编码:11998158 品牌:商务印书馆(The Commercial Press) 包装:平装 丛书名: 牛津语法精讲与实练 外文名称:Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced Volume(1-2) 开本:32开 出版时间:2016牛津英语语法教程(高级 套装上下册 附光盘) [Oxford English Grammar ...
The Oxford Handbook of English Grammar Edited by BAS AARTS, JILL BOWIE and GERGANA POPOVA 链接: 百度网盘-链接不存在 提取码: 8bq8