Broadly based on Hallidayan systemic-functional grammar but also drawing on cognitive linguistics and discourse analysis, English Grammar is accessible, avoiding overly theoretical or technical explanations. Divided into 12 self-contained chapters based around language functions, each chapter is divided into...
English Grammar - Oxford - Let's Go 4 - Workbook - 3rd Edition 星级: 82 页 English Grammar - Oxford - Let's Go 6 - Workbook - 3rd Edition 星级: 82 页 English Grammar - Oxford - Let's Go 5 - Workbook - 3rd Edition 星级: 82 页 English Grammar - Oxford - Let's Go 1A -...
文档标签: Fundamentals of English grammar 系统标签: oetzi fundamentals grammar english iceman passive ExpansionActivities FundamentalsofEnglishGrammar,3rdEdition Chapter10:ThePassive Activity:OetzitheIceman/PassiveVoice Page1of3 Copyright©2007PearsonEducation,Inc.Allrightsreserved.Permissiongrantedtoreproducefor...
大家常说的语法“绿宝书” 是高级本 Advanced Grammar in Use(3rd Edition)。 这本“绿宝书”,讲解深入,例句丰富,可以帮英语中高阶段的孩子,学到多种英语语法的高级用法,在语法学习上达到非常高的水平,能帮助你在语法学习上“通关”。 同时,用过这套语法书的小伙伴都赞不绝口↓↓↓ ...
English Grammar Workbook For Dummies, with Online Practice, 3rd Edition Introduction. Part I: The Parts of Speech and Parts of the Sentence. Chapter 1: I Already Know How to Talk. Why Should I Study Grammar? Chapter 2: Verbs: The Heart of the Sentence. Chapter 3: Relax! Understanding Ver...
朗文初级英语语法Longman Basic English Grammar 高清PDF 由Betty Azar主导撰写的朗文英语语法,分为三个级别,第一级别适合ESL/EFL的初学者,第二级别适合高中,大学,第三级别适合出国留学等 这套朗文语法,被誉为学英语的的语法圣经,从听,说,读,写四个方面,全面阐述英语语法 ...
Introduction-to-algorithm-3rdEdition 算法导论(英文第3版) Introduction-to-algorithm-3rdEdition 算法导论(英文第3版) 上传者:mr_three时间:2017-07-06 TheBusinessOfiOSAppDevelopment3rdEdition.pdf 英文原版 The Business Of iOS App Development 3rd Edition ...
资源介绍: 朗文中级英语语法教材Longman - Fundamentals of English Grammar, 3rd Edition, Students' Book 这是一套经典的英语语法教材,总共分为三个级别 内页截图:商品评论评论(138人参与,25条评论) 发布 最新评论 天生赢家 2024年11月02日 09:23 赞 回复 tmmwy 2024年11月01日 19:26 已下载 回复 hso...
English Grammar Workbook For Dummies, with Online Practice, 3rd EditionGeraldine Woods