Conversational English course authorized by Oxford University Press. The course is designed using the best teaching materials and structured teaching methods, and includes interactive contents and a progressive themed syllabus to help you improve your speaking skills and enhance your confidence. ...
Given the fact that on Monday, if when he takes his Paper 2 Mock, for Y11, in preparation for his GCSE exams in June, if he does something like this in the mock and then improves on it in the real thing, as I am sure he will with my help, then he should do very well indeed...
Dubai English Speaking College picks up where DESS leaves off, and provides education from 11 years up to 18 years (Year 13), offering GCSE, IGCSE, BTEC and A Level qualifications. What about the facilities? Despite its age, a process of constant investment and improvement means that DESS ha...
Eduqas’ English language GCSE offers variety and flexibility, writes one deputy head, who shares his tips on making the most of it
An English A1 Certificate is roughly equivalent to a City and Guilds Preliminary qualification, or a Foundation Tier GCSE. Other Resources to help you learn English Have a look at these contents: deep dive in the English culture and discover all the English Speaking Countries; check all the ...
My English lessons are longer than the other teachers. Why? Because I am a motormouth. Learn what that means, along with five other idioms and phrases in English that use the word mouth. If you want to badmouth me, leave a comment!
GCSE English to drop speaking and listening componentsthe GuardianGuardian
We are looking for an individual who has experience in delivering UK National Curriculum to Key Stage 3, GCSE (English Language and World Literature) in Key Stage 4 and potentially A Level English Literature to Key Stage 5, as well as having a passion for extra curriculuar involvement. We...
These data showed not only that British Chinese youngsters are the highest performing ethnic group in England at GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education,普通中学教育证书), which has been known for years. It also showed that this group seemed to be singularly (异乎寻常地) successful in ...
1 Cambridge School Dictionary CambridgeFor Intermediate and Upper-intermediate learners EnglishIdeal for bilingual education, International GCSE and CLIL The perfect companion for learners studying other subjects through English, this dictionary includes vocabulary from all the main International GCSE topics. ...