EnglishforBusiness商业英语教程.PDF,English for Business 商业英语教程 LESSON 1 – Meet the team 第一课-介绍业务伙伴 STUDY NOTES 学习笔记 The company 商业公司 Hale and Hearty Foods. Based in Sydney, Australia. 设在澳大利亚悉尼市的“哈尔及哈迪食品公司” Ch
1. I inform you that I have taken into partnership with r. Y. Yokota, who has for many years acted as my ma nage r.我 已请多年在我公司担任经理的横 田良雄先生作 为我 的合伙人 ,特此奉告 。 2. The business will be carried on as before, the name of the firm remaining unchanged ....
2004. English for Business Studies - A course for Business Studies and Economics students. Cambridge, United Kingdom; Cambridge University PressMackenzie, I. (2004). English for Business Studies--A course for Business Studies and Economics students. Cambridge, United Kingdom; Cambridge University ...
EnglishforBusiness Communication SecondEdition Ashortcourseconsistingoffivemodules: Culturaldiversityandsocialising,Telephoning, Presentations,MeetingsandNegotiations Student’sBook SimonSweeney PUBLISHEDBYTHEPRESSSYNDICATEOFTHEUNIVERSITYOFCAMBRIDGE ThePittBuilding,TrumpingtonStreet,Cambridge,UnitedKingdom ...
reading skills such as reading for general understanding, reading for detail, and learning to understand the true meaning behind the message. You can choose to work on the sections and units that are most relevant to you. or work through the whole book for a full course in business reading....
Collins English for Business: Speaking will help you to make yourself understood inbusiness. Model dialogues present key phrases to help you communicate effectivelyin different situations. You can choose to work on the units that are most relevantto you. or work through the whole book for a full...
Business English (更新1-2,全部更新为零售版) English for Everyone - Business English - Course Book Level 1 English for Everyone - Business English - Practice Book Level 1 English for Everyone - Business English - Course Book Level 2 English for Everyone - Business English - Practice Book Level...
English for business communication.pdf What is the culture? Lz1 1/10/2012 Each contry has its own culture; an international manager has to understand all different cultures. Culture could be define in different ways by different disciplines such as antropology, sociology and management. -what we...
Presenting for Successfor ESL e-Book features MP3 audio, PDF and online lessons on the following essentials English skills for business presentations: Introducing your presentation Signposting your presentation Describing visuals and charts Talking about trends and rates of change ...
每章后 English 和 Business 两个意义上的总结很实用。 我要写书评 English for Business Communication Student's Book的书评 ··· ( 全部1 条 ) 热门 Nuyoah 2017-03-12 18:18:56 非常简约,非常专业,商务沟通优秀英语教材 乐知英语使用它作为商务沟通培训教材,教材非常好! 第一章讲文化,有些鸡肋...