Folktales > European folktales> English folktales > Jack and the beanstalk at World of Tales - Stories for children from around the world!
6) folktales 民间故事 1. Fox belief in wujiagoufolktales; 伍家沟村民间故事中的狐信仰 2. Thesefolktaleswith a homebound theme manifest the Qiang people s love of their hometown. 羌族民间社会中流传着大量关于"回家"主题的民间故事,主要有三类:平民娶妻回家,英雄立功回家,与异类成亲回家。
The need for such a comprehensive collection of English folktales from literary and oral sources, old and new, was paramount. For far too long the folktale has been the Cinderella of English scholars. Ever since Bishop Percy published his Reliques of Ancient English Poetry in 1765, it is the...
Folktales > European folktales> English folktales > How Jack went to seek his fortune at World of Tales - Stories for children from around the world!
English Fairy Tales 作者:Jacobs, Joseph 出版年:2006-2 页数:260 定价:$ 32.71 ISBN:9781421809700 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
English Folk Tales Mr. Miacca English Folk Tales The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen English Folk Tales The Gingerbread Man English Folk Tales Henny-penny English Folk Tales The Little Red Hen and the Grain of Wheat English Folk Tales Jack and His Friends English Folk Tales...
that they possessed no folk-tales. Yet, within fifteen years from that date, over 1000 tales had been collected in each country. I am hoping that the present volume may lead to equal activity in this country, and would earnestly beg any reader of this book who knows of similar tales, to...
meant to be read aloud and not visually. The original edition also included extensive notes on the source from which he collected the stories and reference material which is of great interest to folk-lore enthusiasts. Such was the impact of some of the stories that they are referenced in Shak...
Edwin Sidney Hartland (1848-1927) was an English author and Folklorist. He was a president of the Folklore Society. His works include: English Fairy and Other Folk Tales (1890), The Science of Fairytales: An Enquiry into the Fairy Mythology (1891), County Folklore: Gloucestershire (1892), ...
The surprise at the end, similar to that in Perrault’s “Red Riding Hood,” is a frequent device in English folk tales. (Cf. infra, Nos. xii., xxiv., xxix., xxxiii., xli.)XI. CAP O’ RUSHES.Source.–Discovered by Mr. E. Clodd, in “Suffolk Notes and Queries” of the ...