This year’s report was based on the EF Standard English Test results of more than 2.3 million adults who were tested on their ability to understand written and spoken English.【2】 Their median age was 23, and 59 percent were women, the report said.Jesper Knutell, executive vice-president...
Her fluency in English gives her an advantage ___ other girls for the job.A.aboveB.overC.thanD.with的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答案,刷题练习的工具.一键将文档转化为在线题库手机刷题,以提高学习效率,
notes there are now work-stations that enable engineers to design, test and produce chips right on their desks, much the way an editor creates a newsletter on a Macintosh. As the time and cost
流利說英文 流利說英文好像是不是一件容易的事。然而就像其他事情一樣,最難的往往就是開始第一步。按照以下簡單的5個步驟,今天就讓你的英文更流利 []。 母語外師24小時線上陪你練英文!填表預約試聽,進一步了解自己的英文程度! [htt
While Alfred's little army slowly began to gather at Athelney, the king himself set out to penetrate the camp of Guthrum, the commander of the Danish invaders. There had settled down for the winter at Chippenham: thither Alfred went. He not...
—Your colleague is speaking English with fluency. —It's no wonder.She ___ in the UK for a year as a visiting professor A. worked B. has worked C. had worked D. has been working 如何将EXCEL生成题库手机刷题 如何制作自己的在线小题库 > 手机使用 分享 反馈 收藏 举报 参...
流暢に英語を話せるようになるのは、至難の業に見えるかもしれません。しかし、どんな旅もそうですが、最も難しいのは最初の一歩を踏み出すことです。以下にある5つの簡単なステップに従い、流暢な英語を目指し、今すぐ一歩踏み出しましょう。 1. 微笑み、一息つく 英語
Lesson 17 A man-made disease First listen and then answer the following question. ——What factor helped to spread the disease of myxomatosis? In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the Europe...