《English Vocabulary in use upper intermediate》由Heather语伴创作,目前已更新351个节目,包含U_001.A、U_001.B、U_001.C、U_001.D、U_002.A等内容。用声音分享人类智慧,用声音服务美好生活,更多好内容尽在喜马拉雅。
New English File Intermediate Student's Book Pdf Download http://urlin.us/iiahs (Copy & Paste link) *** Preview Download PDF . The main body of this document maps each Student's. Book unit of New English File Elementary, P . New English File. Pre-Intermediate. Explore Educational...
Search as Teacher Learner Find lessons Type of English Level Lesson time Find lessons Find lessons Latest lessons Extreme words Upper-intermediate (B2-C1) In this slightlyupdatedupper intermediate version of our popular lesson planExtreme adjectives, students practise describing things using extreme adject...
your level. You can take these tests beginning from easy to harder ones. A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2 are the English language levels. Take Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Level tests online or download each one as a PDF file with the answer ...
4. Upper-Intermediate: CEFR Level B2 ▶ “Offend Dobby? Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir… but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal.” –Dobby, House Elf and B2 English speaker. What you need to know about B2 level English Welcome to basic Engli...
New Headway Upper-Intermediate TestsUpper-Intermediate Testsorkbook with furtheronsolidation exercisesand writing tasks, atraditional methods ofmore recentalong with Headwayseries for the 1990s.language teaching andcommunicativeapproaches. Headstart,taught and explained thoroughly,and all four language skills ...
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate with CD-ROM 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 评分☆☆☆ 类似图书 点击查看全场最低价 出版者:Cambridge Univ Pr 作者:McCarthy, Michael/ O'Dell, Felicity 出品人: 页数:316 译者...
English file Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden, Paul Seligson Oxford University Press, 2012- 3rd ed Pre-intermediate student's book Pre-intermediate w... C Lathamkoenig 被引量: 0发表: 2014年 New English File Upper-Intermediate Class Audio CD`s English file Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive ...
牛津英语教材New Headway English Course - Upper-Intermediate (Tests).pdf,New Headway New Headway Upper-Intermediate Tests Upper-Intermediate Tests o o e s k eo a h a b a i h n n r eac H op o e p d k c o f s a s T e to s l om o td o s s a d b a u n h a o o
ENGLISH FILE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE: STUDENT'S BOOK WORK BOOK WITHOUT KEY PACK (3RD The Pre-intermediate coursebook that gets students talking, and that helps teachers and students more than any other. C Lathamkoenig 被引量: 0发表: 2015年