In order to synthesize the paper’s content, in some cases, articles are identified with their coding number (Additional file 1: Table 1). Abbreviations TEFL: Teaching of English as a foreign language EFL: English as a foreign language L1: First language DU: Didactic unit ...
The publishers would like to thank the following for their permission to reproduce photographs: Alamy unit 8 (snow bike/Chris McLennan); Bridgeman Art Library unit 7 (The washing room below decks - condemned trade unionists being transported to Australia, illustrated in 'The Martyrs of Tolpuddle'...
The one-way lanes that make it possible to enter and leave such roads at an intermediate point without disrupting the flow of traffic are generally known as slip roads in the UK, but U.S. civil engineers call them ramps, and further distinguish between on-ramps (for entering) or off-...
"test_解析ipynb文件": "Test_ParseIpynbFile", "把字符太少的块清除为回车": "ClearBlocksWithTooFewCharactersToNewline", "清理多余的空行": "CleanUpExcessBlankLines", "合并小写开头的段落块": "MergeLowercaseStartingParagraphBlocks", "多文件润色": "ProofreadMultipleFiles", "多文件翻译": "TranslateMu...
syntactic complexity tapping into four aspects: Length of unit, subordination, coordination, and particular structures. With reference to the reliability of the L2SCA, Lu (2010) reports that the tool is highly reliable for college-level L2 writers at the advanced and intermediate levels (see also...
test, the obtained scores on NVLT had different patterns. In this regard, while those in the experimental group scored higher in delayed post-test compared to both pre- and post-test, those in the control group attained higher scores in delayed post-test only in comparison to pre-test, and...
299 ISO 23412-2020 2020-05-01 English Indirect, temperature-controlled refrigerated delivery services — Land transport of parcels with intermediate transfer - First edition 300 ISO 4660-2020 2020-05-01 English Rubber, raw natural — Colour index test - Fifth Edition 301 ISO 24026-1-2020 2020-...
The authors kindly sent me a file of the abstracts that they had collected. I thought some topic modelling would be interesting to do on the data. Topic modelling is a way to discern what a set of documents is “about” by getting a program to find clusters of words. Lei & Liu (2018...
python -m nmt.nmt \ --src=de --tgt=en \ --ckpt=/path/to/checkpoint/translate.ckpt \ --hparams_path=nmt/standard_hparams/wmt16_gnmt_4_layer.json \ --out_dir=/tmp/deen_gnmt \ --vocab_prefix=/tmp/wmt16/vocab.bpe.32000 \ --inference_input_file=/tmp/wmt16/newstest2014.tok.bpe...
Doctors are the gatekeepers, and they’re worried about getting disintermediated,overtesting wastes money, sends patients on tangents, and can lead to false positive resultswas very fun—like a sudoku puzzleAfter three more rounds of brain teasers,chasing the same code slingers...