D elbow [elbouJ n. The elbow is the middle part of an arm, where it bends. She pointed to her elbow to show me where she hurt herself. D grateful [greitfal] adj. A grateful person feels thankful about something. 竺 The girls were grateful for the chance to visit their grandfather....
Sampatrao faces is the shortage of quality (ITI Grade) manpower. These skilled labourers are in short supply. One of the biggest challenges is to maintain the quality constant across all outputs. He has invested good amount of time and effort in R&D activities. PRODUCT VIEW Agriculture ...
D smash[sm动 v. To smash something is to break it into many small pieces. 丿acob smashed the window with a rock. [saks的fal] D successful adj. Someone who is successful achieves what they intended to achieve. My father is a successful businessman. 口wage(weid引 n. A wage is the ...