In conclusion, while hair hoop provides a fundamental translation for 《发箍英文》, a broader understanding of terms like hair band, headband, hair wreath, and more specific descriptive terms allows for a richer and more accurate representation of this versatile accessory. The ide...
(5) Oxford Economics has modelled the effects of Brexit with no deal and says that it would lop a cumulative 2% off Britain’s GDP by the end of 2020, equivalent to some £ 40bn. That is far bigger than the impact on other EU countries. Before the referendum, the Treasury forecast ...
Old Norsebōndihusbandman,contraction of *bōande,variant ofbūande,cognate with Old Englishbūenddweller, equivalent. tobū(an) to dwell (seeboor) +-endnoun, nominal suffix, as infiend,friend Middle Englishbonde,Old Englishbondabef. 1050 ...
Latinmēnsūraequivalent. tomēns(us)(past participle ofmētīrī to measure, mete) +-ūra-ure Middle French Middle Englishmesure1250–1300 meas′ur•er,n. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: measure/ˈmɛʒə/n ...
99. a hoop is a large ring of wood, metal, or similar material, like basketball hoop or the piece that holds a barrel together. handle sth, in this case(魁地奇), is to hold and control sth with the hands. better is an idiom meaning "should"or "need to," especiall...
sphere:A politician has a wide circle of influence. a series ending where it began, esp. when perpetually repeated; cycle:the circle of the year. Philosophy[Logic.]an argument ostensibly proving a conclusion but actually assuming the conclusion or its equivalent as a premise; ...
Eweken, to make use of; (ewehen. A.) Ewenikia, who I am, Ewochgehikan, stirring ladle. F No Lenape words beginning with 'F' G Gachene, if, whether. Gachgamun, roasted com; (alludes to the noise made in eating by crunching the grains, A.) Gachgamuniminschi, hoop-ash....
equivalent Erscheinung: 1. appearance | 2. vision Erste Hilfe: 1. first aid | 2. first aid Ersuchen: 1. request Ertrag: 1. income | 2. gain, profit Erwerb: 1. accession, acquisition, asset Erwägung: 1. consideration, deliberation Erwähnung: 1. mention Erz: 1. bronze Erzbischof...
Product: Each kind of diamond drill bit jumps through a hoop, jumps through a hoop, the platoon drills, drills the athletic shoes material fitting, jumps through a hoop, the crystal glass, the cat's eye stone, and so on throws over the flowered aluminum pill and so on the form each di...
Latinex(s)ultāreto leap up, equivalent. toex-ex-1+-sultāre(combining form ofsaltāreto leap) 1560–70 ex•ult′ing•ly,adv. 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridgeddelight, glory, revel. 'exultation' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): ...