Hyphenation worse Part of Speech (形) adjective, (名) noun, (副) adverb Matching Results 败北 bàiběi (literary) to be routed (in a war); to suffer defeat (in sports etc) 更坏 gènghuài worse 寙 yǔ bad; useless; weak 不好的 bùhǎo de bad; not good 䉾 bì bad; poor quality...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English worse1/wɜːs$wɜːrs/●●●S1W2adjective 1[the comparative of bad]moreunpleasant, bad, orsevere→betterworse thanThe violence was worse than we expected.The traffic ismuch worseafter five o'clock.The weather wasa lot worsethis year.Condi...
worse off meaning, definition, what is worse off: if you are worse off, you have less mone...: Learn more.
I think his method of teaching has good points and bad points. It wasn't my lucky day. First, I got a parking ticket and then things went from bad to worse when I got pulled over for making a U-turn. Any play opening to bad reviews won't last long. Hey, has this been sitting...
worse wɜrs Main Part of Speech(形) adjective, (名) noun, (副) adverb Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (形) As an adjective Inferior to another in quality or condition or desirability. ...
English Polish Dictionary - worse and worse in Polish: 1. gorzej i gorzej 2. coraz gorszy Polish word "worse and worse"(coraz gorszy) occurs in sets:Scena 10 Pl-Encz. 24 IX-2023 related words good in Polishbad in Polishweak in Polishshort in Polishfar in Polishfurther in ...
get worse Gold Takes A Beating And Here’s Why It May Get Worse Changes in monetary policy in both Japan and the US have sent gold prices down today. It may get worse, say analysts. Gold continues getting a smack-down. At one point, the yellow metal fell to $1,364.50 per ounce ...
Meaning: Comparative degree of bad, more bad in any sense of the word bad.Notes: In every language the most common words are the most idiomatic. The comparative of bad is worse, and the comparative of good is better. We can make verbs from each of these: to worsen and to better. ...
Look up "vicarious" at dictionary.com Go toPreferencespage and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. Advertisements Advertisements Report an inappropriate ad. WordReference.com WORD OF THE DAY worse | mug GET THE DAILY EMAIL!
Waldeinsamkeit[vahlyd-ahyn-zahm-kahyt ] combinesWald(“wood”) andEinsamkeit(“loneliness”). Together,Waldeinsamkeitliterally translates to “solitude in the forest,” but that literal translation loses much of the word’s poetry. The origins ofWaldeinsamkeitclueus intoits lyrical meaning. The word...