Learn more about the One Year Adventure Novel, a unique high school English curriculum for homeschool. Your student will write their own novel in one school year!
The learning needs of English students have been researched over the past decades in different countries, especially among non-speaking English ones. The core goal of these studies was to examine if learner needs/wants and learning outcomes of the English course/curriculum...
Our Amplify ELA program prepares middle school students for high school and beyond through interactive, immersive curriculum.
初中英语新课程标准(New curriculum standards for junior high school English).doc,初中英语新课程标准(New curriculum standards for junior high school English) A brief introduction of new curriculum standards for junior high schools Institutional group M
Co-teach with Chinese teachers and be prepared to develop and improve school-based curriculum Assess and monitor students’ progress and provide targets so that all learners can succeed and improve Provide clear and constructive feedback to students and their parents and caregivers ...
High School English Transitional CurriculumWriting Scoring Rubric
Five Camden City public high schools will share a $1.1 million grant from the Camden Education Fund to improve achievement for English language learners and students with disabilities.
First of all, based on the new curriculum standards, Ms Yang gave a profound explanation of core literacy, focusing on the integration of teaching evaluation into classroom teaching and how to conduct the overall design of unit assignments. ...
JuniorhighschoolEnglishcurrentlaysthefoundationforstudents'languageproficiency,enablingthemtocommunicateeffectivelyinEnglish 02 Academicsuccess Englishisacoresubjectintheschoolcurriculum,andmasterof thelanguageiscriticalforsuccessinothersubjects,suchas science,socialstudies,andmathematics 03 Globalcompetence Intoday's...
Students studying at theUniversity of Melbournewill take classes that integrate hands-on learning and practical experience. This “future-focused” curriculum puts the university on the map with one of the highest rates of graduate employability worldwide. You’ll develop important critical thinking and...