COCA,全名Corpus of Contemporary American English 网址为 以下为该网站的介绍: The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the onlylargeand"representative"corpus of American English. COCA is probably themost widely-used corpus of English, and it is rel...
COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English):大型的、动态更新的当代美国英语语料库,词汇量超过5.2亿个,覆盖了小说、报纸、杂志、学术文章等多种文本类型,是语言学研究和教学的重要工具。 三、访问与使用 用户只需在浏览器中输入English Corpora的网址即可访问该平台。对于COCA语料...
当代美国英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English,简称 COCA)是一个庞大的数据库,包含了当今美国英语的各种语料。它为语言学家、教育工作者和翻译人员提供了宝贵的资源,帮助他们更好地了解和研究美国英语的现状和发展趋势。 当代美国英语有许多特点,例如:词汇丰富、表达多样、语法灵活等。与传统英式英语相比...
高级搜索还能满足使用者的多种需求,比如,我们在搜索界面的Word(s)栏输入teach,在COLLOCATES栏输入class,就可以看到满足组合单词的例句。 Corpus of ContemporaryAmerican English(COCA)是当今世界上最大的英语平衡语料库,涵盖了美国spoken、fiction、...
据美国当代英语语料库(Corpus of Contemporary American English,通常简写为COCA)显示,在2187条含 brat 的例证中,spoiled(宠坏的) 的共现搭配最多,共412例。 除了spoiled 之外,高频形容词还有little(小的)、rich(有钱的)、selfish(自私的)、ungrateful(不懂感恩的)、immature(不成熟的)、stupid(愚蠢的)、lazy(懒...
The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the only large and "balanced" corpus of American English. COCA is probably the most widely-used corpus of English, and it is related to many other corpora of English that we hav...
let's check on corpus(Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA)),see whether you are right ...
The Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) is the largest freely-available corpus of English, and the only large and balanced corpus of American English. It was created by Mark Davies of Brigham Young University in 2008, and it is now used by tens of thousands of users every month ...
然后在coca collocates搜索 been working 还是不行。。。 只能在List搜了 been: 508 on: 195 the: 187 for: 139 a: 116 have: 109 ive: 98 has: 97 and: 82 with: 80 to: 78 i: 76 had: 69 this: 63 that: 54 in: 51 ": 50
1. The article is an introduction to the Corpus of Contemporary American English(COCA) that is created by Prof. 本文系统介绍美国杨伯翰大学Mark Davies教授开发的COCA美国当代英语语料库。2) Present Day American English Dialogues 当代美国英语会话...