4.Keepyourclassroomclean 5.SpeakinEnglishin class as muchas possible 6.Respectandloveeach other 7.Behonest and kind 8.Don’t doirrelevant things 9.Be clearaboutindividualworkand groupwork 10.Don’tbelate 11.Handinthehomework ontime and ensureits quality and quantity 12.Be responsiblefor yourbeha...
4.Keep yourclassroomclean 5.Speak in English in class as much as possible 6.Respect and love each other 7.Be honest and kind 8.Don’t do irrelevant things 9.Be clear about individual work and group work 10.Don’t be late 11.Hand in the homework on time and ensure its quality and ...
1、1. Dont talk in class when youre not allowed to.2. Obey the teacher and listen carefully3. Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak4. Keep your classroom clean5. Speak in English in class as much as possible6. Respect and love each other 7. Be honest and kind8. Dont do ir...
英文版课堂规则classroomrulesenglishversion.pdf 1页内容提供方:古月胡 大小:93.31 KB 字数:约小于1千字 发布时间:2021-11-25发布于湖南 浏览人气:21 下载次数:仅上传者可见 收藏次数:0 需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)英文版课堂规则classroomrulesenglishversion.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多...
英文版课堂规则classroom-rules-English-version1.Don’t talk in class when you’re not allowed to. 2.Obey the teacher and listen carefully 3.Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak 4.Keep yourclassroomclean 5.Speak in English in class as much as possible 6.Respect and love each other...
英文版课堂规则classroom rules English version(共1页) 1.Don’t talk in class when you’re not allowed to. 2.Obey the teacher and listen carefully 3.Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak 4.Keep yourclassroomclean 5.Speak in English in class as much as possible 6.Respect and love...
英文版课堂规则classroom-rules-English-version 英文版课堂规则classroom-rules-English-version PAGE 英文版课堂规则classroom-rules-English-version Don’t talk in class when you’re not allowed to. Obey the teacher and listen carefully Raise your hand and wait your turn to speak Keep your classroom ...
3、所有的PPT和DOC文档都被视为“模板”,允许上传人保留章节、目录结构的情况下删减部份的内容;下载前须认真查看,确认无误后再购买; 4、文档大部份都是可以预览的,金锄头文库作为内容存储提供商,无法对各卖家所售文档的真实性、完整性、准确性以及专业性等问题提供审核和保证,请慎重购买; ...
翻转课堂在高中英语阅读课中的应用Application of the Flipped Classroom in Senior High School English Reading Class 热度: 情景教学法在高中英语阅读教学中的应用The Application of Situation-Based Teaching in Senior MiddleSchool English Reading Class