英语课堂小游戏(English Classroom Games) 1. ruins Hunt Ready Kit: flash card Game Analysis: splash cards to the ground, please ask children to find the cards designated by teachers in the cards. The fastest way to win. Or to win the most. Note: can match the sentence pattern "Where, is...
内容提示: 英语课堂小游戏(全)(English Classroom Games (all)) Classroom games 1. name shulaibao (Names Chant) [game aims] 1. Train students on sentence patterns: My, /Your, name 's... A quick response; 2. Train the students to read the rhythm of the sentence. [age] six years old ...
英语课堂小游戏(全)(EnglishClassroomGames(all)) Classroomgames 1.nameshulaibao(NamesChant) [gameaims]1.Trainstudentsonsentencepatterns:My,/Your,name's...Aquickresponse;2.Trainthestudentstoreadtherhythmofthesentence. [age]sixyearsoldorso [groupnumber]6-30 [time]10minutes [Game1]studentssitinacircle...
内容提示: 英语课堂游戏(English Classroom Games) English Classroom Games Number of visits: 1202 hours: 2007-06-06 From February 5th, two, seven years, I worked with eleven colleagues from Chongqing Jiaotong University in Toronto, canada. During that time, my colleagues and I listened to a lot...
I.EnglishClassroomGamesinCanada Humansarenaturallyinterestedinplayinggames,andneitheradultsnorchildrencanstopthecharmofthegame.Activeparticipation,competitionupstream,everyoneinthegamearelookingforwardtowinningoravoidpunishment.Thewinnergetsthehonorandthematerialreward,andthereleasedmanreleasesthepressureinthegiggle.Canadian...
Have Fun With These English Classroom Games! I started teaching in a traditional classroom and later transitioned to teaching English online. After working with over a thousand kiddos around the world in different settings, one thing is always the same: students love playing games!
English classroom games is not just in active classroom atmosphere, its real purpose is to let the kids have had interest in learning the English language in the game, learn the process. If you only care about the games, there is no knowledge, only to be turned upside down, and waste of...
Dear teachers, Lisa put myself from the accumulation of teaching 28 classic games sorted out to share, absolutely original, welcome to reprint Five part teaching method Step 1---Revision review Step 2---Presentation input Step 3---Drilling drill Step 4---Practice exercise Step 5---Consolidati...
Happy Everyday English is your one stop source for exciting and fun no prep ESL practice games for your English class. Use your own questions when playing these interactive whiteboard ESL games to practice any topic and content!