Kelas percubaan atautrial classkami adalah percuma.Freesahaja, tak perlu bayar apa-apa. Ambil peluang untuk kenal-kenal dengan guru terlebih dahulu. Dapatkanfeel, kalau setuju, barujoin. JoinKelas Sekarang → Kenapa buat kelas belajar Bahasa Inggeris online untukfluent English?
1. klasat.BIOL,MATH,TECH(kategorialubgrupa): klasa class pierwsza/drugaklasa first/secondclass glebapierwszej/drugiejklasy first/secondclasssoil zabytkiklasyzerowej worldheritagelistmonuments 2. klasafig(jakość): człowiekzklasą classyperson ...
klasa [f.] - class klon [m.] - maple kluč [m.] - key kniaź [m.] - prince kniha , knižka [f.] - book koła [n.] - circle, ring kolki (prn.) - how much, how many koń [m.] - horse koska [f.] - comma kość [f.] - bone kot [m.] -...
Unity 4 Class 2 2. under under the bed Under the circumstances, bankruptcy is inevitable. Under the new law, husbands can take days off to care for their children. You are under no obligation to divulge that information. She wished for a more relaxing life, but that was impossible under...
Imperialism is defined as the transfer of a dominant language (and aspects of its culture) to speakers of other languages and linguistic imperialism assumes the active promotion of the language by the dominant class as the active expression of power of the powerful over the powerless (Phillipson,...
At the end of the previous quarter, the board considered María looked at the starry sky, with a quarter moon that illuminated that autumn night. English word "ćwierć"(quarter) occurs in sets: Klasa VI. Discover English 3. Unit 1 ...
wsiadać (do autobusu, pociągu, samolotu) get on wysiadać (z samochodu, taksówki) get out of wylądować land nie zdążyć (na autobus, pociąg, samolot) miss odebrac kogoś (z domu, z lotniska) pick up odlecieć take off przyszłość futu...
在今天的课程中, 您将与才华横溢的泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)一起说英语,培养出天然的自信。We'llbelearningalongwiththecommencementspeechthatshegavein2022atNewYorkUniversity.我们将与她 2022 年在纽约大学发表的毕业典礼演讲一起学习。Soifyou'reready, let'sgetstarted.所以,如果你准备好了,让我们开始吧。A...
class My parents are from the working class. 开始学习 klasa (grupa ludzi) dominant That lion looks really aggressive and dominant. 开始学习 dominujący escapist I’m a bit of an escapist because I like to avoid boring things. 开始学习 escapist gangster My uncle was a gangst...
Technical data Model: SOMRIG shortcut button Type: E2213 Input: 1.2 V, 1x AAA/HR03 LADDA battery Range: 10 m in open air. For indoor use only Operating frequency: 2405- 2480 MHz Output power: 3 dBm (EIRP) IP-class: IP44 Manufacturer: IKEA of Sweden AB Important • This product ...