9. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab —— ESL在线听力练习与测验 网址:http://www.esl-lab.com/ 「Randall’s ESL Lab」受到许多英文老师和学生们的喜爱,长久以来免费提供初级、中级和高级的英文听力练习与测验,让使用者能依照自己的程度选择适合的课...
The international English language testing system (IELTS) is a test developed by the world’s leading experts in language assessment on four key English language skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. It is designed to assess the language ability of people who aim to study and work i...
看YouTube影片测验英文听力的网站 各种程度的英文学习者都可以使用Voice Tube的影片学习听力,你除了使用影片基本的文字稿对照和字典查询功能之外,还可以在看完影片后,利用「英文听力测验单元」来评估自己的听力程度和理解能力。 08 Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab ESL在线英文听力练习与测验 「Randall’s ESL Lab...
And since I knew them all, I had background on, this was Narrow Listening, I would like to expand this to Narrow Video. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Everybody's got their iPads, right? You can have people record for you, send you the video with context. Here's a map of the worl...
The English-speaking areas have expanded at all periods. Before the Normans the language was spoken in England and S Scotland, but not in Cornwall, Wales, or, at first, in Strathclyde. English has not completely ousted theCeltic languagesfrom the British Isles, but it has spread vastly ...
网址:https://www.britishcouncil.org/【点击进入】 英国文化协会网站,可以在线聆听或观看影片,按照每个影片的学习步骤,练习回答英文听力测验题;也可以下载mp3语音或影片文件到智能型手机,并利用网站提供的文字稿和测验题当作教材,随时随地自我训练听力。 04
Define English speaking. English speaking synonyms, English speaking pronunciation, English speaking translation, English dictionary definition of English speaking. also an·glo·phone n. An English-speaking person, especially one in a country where two
在线看Learn English Listening | Elementary - Lesson.. 9分钟 26秒。2017 4月 16的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 14 — 已浏览。
Well, if this test is more flexible than the rest because you can take it on a computer, what connection could the famous philosopher’s remark have with the Aptis listening test? First of all, you must remember that Aptis is a multi-level English test developed by the British Council....
British Council has been teaching English for more than 85 years and evaluating it through IELTS for over 25 years. The international English language testing system (IELTS) is a test developed by the world's leading experts in language assessment on four key English language skills: listening,...