Egypt's President Abdelfattah el-Sisi attended a ceremony yesterday to unveil a major extension of the Suez Canal. The original canal was completed in 1869 and took 10 years to build. The new, $8.5 billion canal was constructed in just under 12 months, beating all predictions by industry ex...
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1.3.1Full-RangeModels:AIR10,AIR12,andAIR15—2 1.3.2Subwoofers:AIR15sandAIR18s—2 1.4WhatisintheBox—2 2GettingStarted—3 2.1Level-SettingProcedure:AIR10,AIR12,andAIR15—3 2.2Level-SettingProcedure:AIR15sandAIR18s—4 3Hookup—5 3.1Rear-PanelConnectionsandControls—5 ...
callableatparvalueandtradesclosetopar.The bondmaturesin8yearsandhasacouponof8%. Theyyieldonthbondis175basisppoints over8-yearUSTreasurysecurities,andthe TreasuryTreasuryspotspotyieldyieldcurvecurvehashasaanormalnora,risingrising mostlikelyexhibit… 46 CaseCase22 •AAllargepublibliclylhheldldcompanyrefifinesc...