NAVER English-Chinese Dictionary, powered by Collins. Over 1 million pronunciations are provided by publishers and global users.
NAVER English-Chinese Dictionary, powered by Collins. Over 1 million pronunciations are provided by publishers and global users.
Online English Chinese Dictionary and Chinese English Dictionary -by Lexiconer. The Leading online English-Chinese Dictionary.
您- Chinese English Dictionary - 您的 一 七 丈 三 上 下 不 丑 专 世 业 东 两 严 个 中 丰 临 义 为 主 举 之 乌 乏 乐 乘 九 也 习 书 乳 争 事 二 五 交 产 享 亲 人 什 今 介 从 仓 他 付 代 令 以 价 任 企 休 优 会 传 伤 伪 估 伴 伸 似 位 低 住 体 作...
Chinese English Dictionary 谨 谨- Chinese English Dictionary - 谨慎 一 七 丈 三 上 下 不 丑 专 世 业 东 两 严 个 中 丰 临 义 为 主 举 之 乌 乏 乐 乘 九 也 习 书 乳 争 事 二 五 交 产 享 亲 人 什 今 介 从 仓 他 付 代 令 以 价 任 企 休 优 会 传 伤 伪 估 ...
Since this is designed as mainly an Chinese to English and not English to Chinese dictionary, if you can't find the word you are looking for, you may be able to find it using a synonym. Also, you may get many unrelated entries that use the word in the English definition but do not...
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Chinese <> English online translation. Chinese <> English dictionary, monolingual Chinese dictionary and other resources for the Chinese language.
Easy Steps to Chinese (English Edition) Textbook 2 (Hardcover) Learning Chinese 2012.4 Chinese Paradise (Filipine Edition) - Workbook New Concept Chinese Textbook 3 Related ResourcesChinese dictionary (English contrasts to Chin.. Opera (English contrasts to Chinese) students...
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