Behind the white chalk cliffs of the southern coast lie the gently rolling downs and wide plains stretching to theChiltern Hillsand theCotswold Hills. Along the east coast are the lowlands of Norfolk, reaching up to theFens, formerly marshy country that has been drained, lining TheWash, an in...
made up of lustful unloving nights, nagging days, brats begotten in pure animal fury coming year after year to be suckled, clothed, washed, endured—all on a foundation of my shame and my rescuer’s brief nobility simmering down to a reminder of my shame. He...
Diana was born into the British nobility and grew up close to the royal family on their Sandringham estate. She did not distinguish herself academically, but was talented in music, dance, and sports.Diana came to prominence in 1981 upon her engagement to Prince Charles, the eldest son of ...
George Spencer (1739-1817) was the sixth Earl of Sunderland and the fourth Duke of Marlborough. He had succeeded to both titles in 1758, when he was only nineteen years old, upon the death of his father, Charles Spencer. As a very young man he had served in the army (he was a capt...
In Ireland the defense of honor provided a language of resistance to crown centralization; in England the native nobility felt their honor challenged by the creation of Irish peers, which drove a wedge between them and the king.Princeton University.Kane, Brendan Michael....
It appears to me that under Henry VII the people obtained the nobility's property, while under Henry VIII the nobility obtained the clergy's. The clergy, under Queen Anne's ministry, recovered some of their strength and greatly enriched themselves year after year. The English ministry, wanting...
Titles of all kinds became so common, that they were scarcely marks of distinction; and being distributed, without choice or deliberation, to persons unknown to the prince, were regarded more as the proofs of facility and good nature, than of any determined friendship or esteem. A pasquinade ...
HouseofLancastervs.HouseofYork THETAMINGOFENGLAND •Englandisanisland–naturaldefenses•Englandcouldhavebeenthefirstnationtoconsolidate•But..nobleambitionandaweakkinginterfered•WaroftheRosesfixedthis•HenryVIIandVIIIendeddynasticinstability•CreatednewnobilitythatowedtheirtitlesandloyaltytotheTudors Warsof...
The good Lord must be smiling down on us in these banding parts of the world... And he will smile even more on four bands, two in particular, when the final places and titles are decided. The draw for the Second Section has been made and we'll put it up once adjudicator Alan Ferni...
Canute, though he had reached the great point of his ambition in obtaining possession of the English crown, was obliged at first to make great sacrifices to it; and to gratify the chief of the nobility, by bestowing on them the most extensive governments and jurisdictions. He created Thurkill...