England / UK / Great Britain 当我们用England指代英国时,其实代表的是英格兰,要知道英国可不是只有英格兰(England)哦,除了它还有苏格兰(Scotland)、威尔士(Wales)以及北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland),这四个不同的地方共同构成了联合王国(The United Kingdom)。...
England / UK / Great Britain 当我们用 England 指代英国时,其实代表的是英格兰,要知道英国可不是只有英格兰(England )哦,除了它还有苏格兰(Scotland )、威尔士(Wales )以及北爱尔兰(Northern Ireland ),这四个不同的地方共同构成了联合王国(The United Kingdom )。那 The Great Britain 又...
其实提到英国,除了伦敦、除了英伦风,大家还会想到的就是苏格兰风情:穿着苏格兰长裙的当地人,在绿茵草地上吹着苏格兰风笛。 I’m ScotlandMy capital’s EdinburghA country covering the North 1/3 of the island Great Britain that I’m sure 这个风情独特的区域位于大不列颠岛的北部,原来是苏格兰王国,到1707年的...
是英国第9大城市,因为比较淳朴嘛,所以在卡迪夫周围都是英国美丽的乡村… I’m on the West of the Island Great Britain With 1680 miles of coastline which is mostly mountains 整个威尔士有1680英里的海岸线,不过主要都是山区了。 Home to Caerna...
English泛指英国人 England是英格兰,国家。United Kingdom 英国 Britian 英国人 写地址的时候还是用UNITED KINGDOM比较好,写作的时候用ENGLAND或者UK就好了。
The “great” in Great Britain is not used in the subjective sense of being “good” or “above average”. It’s used in the descriptive sense of being larger in size, in this case compared to what is now called Brittany (“Lesser Britain” or “Little Britain” as it has been called...
When discussing the territorial divisions of the UK, there are distinctions to be made between the terms UK, Great Britain, and England. The UK, or United Kingdom, is the full name of the country, often used in official documents and legal contexts. Great Britain specifically ...
In addition to being used to refer to the modern UK, the wordBritainis commonly used to refer to the historicalBritish Empire. In this context, the nameBritainis often used to refer to the nations or political entities that controlled Great Britain throughout British history, some of which al...
所以人们把英国叫做大不列颠GREAT BRITAIN,也叫U.K(大不列颠联合王国) BRITISH自然就是大不列颠人,指代整个英国人 分析总结。 大部分的英国人生活在英格兰所以英格兰人说自己是英国人时喜欢用englishorengland可是当爱尔兰和苏格兰人讲话的时候他们说喜欢说自己为britainorbritish但是按理来讲在提到英国人或英国的时候全称...
严格来说:Britain是英格兰+威尔士 Great Britain是英格兰+威尔士+苏格兰 UK是英格兰苏格兰威尔士北爱尔兰 Br...