-She reigns but does not rule (临朝不理政)Theoretically,she is the source of all government___:.an integral part of the legislature.head of the e*ecutive,legislative and judiciary branches.the mander-in-chief of all armed forces of the Crown.〞supreme governor〞of the Church of England...
But when, as too often happened during the iron age, the monarch was godless and unprincipled, he either kept the see vacant, in order to enjoy the revenues, or else sold the office to the highest bidder. It must be obvious that such a system, if allowed to develop unchecked could ...
During the course of the 10th century, the West Saxon kings extended their power first over Mercia, then over the southern Danelaw, and finally over Northumbria, thereby imposing a semblance of political unity on peoples who nonetheless would remain conscious of their respective customs and their ...
While 80 percent of its 50 million people are native born, England has large communities of Scots (nearly ten percent), Irish, and Welsh in its border counties and about two million Asian Indians, Pakistani, West Indians, and other nonwhite peoples in its large cities. These Asian and Caribb...
However, it was not till the reign of that monarch that the Reformation in England in reality commenced. When Luther declared war against the pope, Henry wrote his treatise on the seven sacraments against Luther's book, Of the Captivity of Babylon, and was repaid by the pontiff with the ...
See Jennifer Rampling, “John Dee and the Alchemists: Practising and Promoting English Alchemy in the Holy Roman Empire”, inStudies in History and Philosophy of Science43, no 3 (2012): 498–499. As Rampling notes, the names of various people, each labelleddiscipulus, appear in Dee’s books...
But when, as too often happened during the iron age, the monarch was godless and unprincipled, he either kept the see vacant, in order to enjoy the revenues, or else sold the office to the highest bidder. It must be obvious that such a system, if allowed to develop unchecked could ...
Edward III would go on to have one of the longest and most successful reigns of any medieval English monarch. Some of the military tactics which he and his son The Black Prince would deploy in the 100 Years War against France (massed archery, fighting on foot and the highlight mobile chev...
He rules the whole company as an absolute monarch in all things secular and spiritual. He speaks, and his word is with them, the word of the Lord. Mr. Ball (Joseph) turned round, and fixing his eyes upward, stood for a while motionless. The Prophet in the mean time, began to ...
Twelfth-century queens regent and regnant assumed the duties usually reserved to men. Thus we find Constance of France, the widow of Bohemond of Antioch, a monarch of Sicily's House of Hauteville, acting as her son's regent and knighting the boy herself. ...