Georgia Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Atlanta, GA, 30332. Reviewers/Board Members Dr. Su Huang Postdoctoral Associate Department of Chemical Engineering, Yale University 9 Hillhouse AVE, Mason Lab 226, New Haven, CT 06511 (574) 302-5499 Dr. Chao WANG Senior Mechanical Engineer ...
TAMUK’s Frank H. Dotterweich College of Engineering offers aMaster of Science in Industrial Engineeringthrough an online format. The program is designed to instill fundamental concepts as well as practical knowledge of modern engineering and to prepare students for immediate engineering challenges as ...
It has shown the potential to print mammalian cells with a minor negative impact on cellular viability and functions [100]. The technology uses focused laser pulses on the absorbing layer of the ribbon to generate a high-pressure bubble that propels cell-containing materials toward the collector ...