Materials Science and Engineering: A的发文量近年来总体较为平稳,近两年略有增加,2022-2023年的发文量为1689篇,预计未来几年该刊的发文量波动幅度不大,总体保持平稳发展。 7、自引率 Materials Science and Engineering: A的自引率近年来有所下降并保持稳定,2022-2023年最新的自引率为15.6%,整体水平偏高,预计未...
近日,在大学生创新创业项目的支持下,材料学院以本科生为主的团队在国际权威期刊Materials Science & Engineering A上发表了题为《Strengthening a non-equiatomic quaternary high-entropy alloy via concurrent gradient structures of nanotwin ...
斯坦福大学材料科学与工程系规模较小,目前拥有全职教授19人,设有高级材料特性(Advanced Characterization)、生物材料(Biological Materials)、块状晶体生长(Bulk Crystal Growth)、计算材料科学(Computational Materials Science)、电子材料(Electronic Materials)、磁性材料(Magnetic Materials)、能源与环境应用材料(Materials for ...
目前担任Elsevier出版社Materials Science and Engineering B期刊副主编,Materials Today Electronics期刊编委, IEEE 国际固态和集成电路技术会议(ICSICT 2022)、国际薄膜晶体管学术会议(ITC2024)技术委员会委员。 周鹏 教授 复旦大学 周鹏,复旦大学教授,微电子学院副院长。2019年获得国家自然基金委杰出青年资助,先后受到国家...
Materials Science and Engineering: A提供了一个国际性的媒介,发表与材料的基本性能、加工历史、微观结构和操作环境影响的承载能力有关的理论和实验研究。 1.期刊基本信息 研究方向:工程技术-材料科学:综合 出版周期: Semimonthly 出版年份:1988 出版国家: SWITZERLAND 期刊ISSN:0921-5093 是否OA 开放访问:否 出版社:...
近日,在大学生创新训练项目的支持下,材料学院本科生团队在国际权威期刊Materials Science & Engineering A上发表了题为《Strengthening a non-equiatomic quaternary high-entropy alloy via concurrent gradient structures of nanotwin and disloca...
斯坦福大学材料科学与工程系规模较小,目前拥有全职教授19人,设有高级材料特性(Advanced Characterization)、生物材料(Biological Materials)、块状晶体生长(Bulk Crystal Growth)、计算材料科学(Computational Materials Science)、电子材料(Electronic Materials)、磁性材料(Magnetic Materials)、能源与环境应用材料(Materials for ...
Exhaustive, authoritative and comprehensive, using 160 statistical tables, this book addresses the fundamental structure of materials and remediation, and looks at the properties of water and water-induced degradation and deterioration, with chapters on moisture effects in buildings and materials, corrosion...
Welcome to the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) at the University of California, Berkeley --- where innovation begins! At Berkeley MSE, we are at the forefront of innovative research and education, driving advancements that shape the future of technology. Our department is ...
Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing Materials Science and Engineering A provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies related to the load-bearing capacity of materials as influenced by their basic properties, processing … View full ai...