1. Two Common Errors of InterpretationPersons studying the history of an engineering disaster must be alert to the danger of committing one of the following common errors: 1) the retrospective fallacy, and 2) the myth of perfectengineering practice.Mark P. RossowPh.D...
1. What is Engineering Ethics? 2. Why study Engineering Ethics? 3. The scope of Engineering Ethics 4. Case studies in Engineering Ethics a. Killer Robot b. DC - 10 c. Whistle Blowing d. Citicorp Building e. The Challenger case
Dr. Starrett reviews the Biomedical Engineering Society Code of Ethics and discusses a case study involving fabricated data and other ethical transgressions of a noted researcher. He focusses on the ethical principles that were violated in this example and offers suggestions on how biomedical engineers...
『工程伦理』(Engineering Ethics).PPT,第一章 序論 何謂工程 Engineering(工程)這個英文字,乃衍生自古文, 意思是 to produce(製造)。 『生意上的、政府的、學術性的、或個人的努力中, 應用數學或自然科學的知識在研究、開發、設計、 生產,以達創出以使用為目的之
『工程伦理』(Engineering Ethics).PPT,第一章 序論 何謂工程 Engineering(工程)這個英文字,乃衍生自古文, 意思是 to produce(製造)。 『生意上的、政府的、學術性的、或個人的努力中, 應用數學或自然科學的知識在研究、開發、設計、 生產,以達創出以使用為目的之
Lessons for Engineering Ethics The 737 MAX case is still unfolding and will continue to do so for some time. Yet important lessons can already be learned (or relearned) from the case. Some of those lessons are straightforward, and others are more subtle. A key and clear lesson is that e...
Rarely is electrical technology at the focus of the classic case studies used in engineering ethics courses and textbooks. This makes it sometimes difficult to excite and to motivate electrical and computer engineering students to study and discuss these cases. In teaching engineering ethics to these...
•Ethics(道德)-acodeorsystemofrulesdefiningmoralbehaviourforaparticularsociety ExtractfromEngineersIrelandCodeofEthicsItisessentialthatMembershaveaclearlydefinedCodeofEthicstoensurethatthey:•Behaveatalltimeswithintegrity(完整性).•Remainawareoftheirresponsibilities(责任)tothemselves(社会),tosociety(协会),to...
Divided into two parts, Part I of the volume provides an overview of particular dimensions of globalization and the criteria that an adequate engineering ethics framework must satisfy in a globalized world. Part II of the volume considers pedagogical challenges and aims in engineering ethics education...
An initiative of the Korean Society of Civil Engineers. Reports both academic and practical study results on past practices and present information. Encourages both theoretical and practice-oriented papers, including case studies and reviews. Covers a broad field of civil engineering, from coastal and...