Showing symmetricity can reduce the number of dimensions and make the drawing more eye-pleasing, thus easier to read. Extension lines annotate what is being measured. The dimension line has two arrowheads between the extension lines and the measurement on top (or inside, like in the image ...
Thirddimensionmarkingofpartsdrawing Thebasicrequirementsofthedimensioningofthepartsare correct,complete,clearandreasonable.Thebasic requirementsofthedimensioningofthepartsarecorrect, complete,clearandreasonable. Right:inaccordancewithnationalstandards,"mechanical ...
Engineering drawing: categorizing lines in blueprints An engineering drawing employs various types of lines, including dimension lines, to illustrate both hidden and visible parts of an object. Hidden line Hidden lines, as the name suggests, show the parts of an object that cannot be seen from th...
Engineering Graphics(工程图学) Introduction(绪论)§ Geometric Construction(几何作图)§ Drawing Equipments(绘图工具)§ Basic Drawing(制图基础) I Subjects and Features(本课程的研究对象及性质) Geometry(画法几何) Drawing(工程制图) 本课是一门系统性(systematic)、理论性(thoretical)和实践性(practical)较强...
Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing工程制图基础 全套课件(英文版)(上).pptx,工程制图基础 工程制图基础出版社 国际合作部 Chapter 1 Basic Skills of Engineering DrawingA new machine,or product must exist in the mind of the engineer or designer before it
工程制图-装配图教程1(Engineeringdrawing-assemblydrawing tutorial1) Thisarticleiscontributedbythegodofdeath ThePPTdocumentmaynothaveagoodbrowsingexperienceatthe WAPend.ItisrecommendedthatyouchooseTXT,ordownloadthe sourcefiletothenativeview. Theteachingmaterialp261 Dododo Partiiiassemblydrawing Thefirstdayofthethi...
2、part is assembly drawingAssembly assembly drawing common expression functions and contents of assembly drawings first section of the second section of the third section of the fourth section assembly in the dimension of assembly parts list of assembly drawing number, part number, methods and steps...
“mechanical machinery components”) and automate classical engineering approaches such asengineering drawingand investigation of a design by models of reduced size and reduced functionality (e.g., a wooden model of a bridge). CAD tools are supplemented by computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) tools, ...
drawing Assembly assembly drawing common expression functions and contents of assembly drawings first section of the second section of the third section of the fourth section assembly in the dimension of assembly parts list of assembly drawing number, part number, methods and steps of assembly drawing...