automotive and hospitality sectors across the UK mid-market. What RES are looking for The Manchester office are currently seeking a motivated M&A Executive / Middle Manager who has gained between 5 to 7 years of experience from an established accountancy firm as a generalist, advising on business...
Living Proof From every day to iconic, our work makes society work. More than a portfolio, our work shows the collective pride we take in maintaining a long-term commitment to our neighborhoods, our society, and our future. We are honored to play a fundamental role in how the world around...
An Approach to the Diagnosis of Transformer’s Insulating Oil Work study engineering MES & Process Minds - Exclusive interview with speaker - Neil Roche from Mechatronics Comparative Speed Control Study Using PID And fuzzy Logic Controller Wood-Plastic Composites...
This is the bit where that EU cookie directive states that a site must display all parties (partners) that have access to the data, and what the data can be used for etc. Companies design these to be small and hard to use, and they appear on first-entry only, in a small scrollable ...
these structures now raise concerns due to their negative impact in generating urban lost spaces (Fig.2) [35]. This term was introduced by urban theorist Roger Trancik in his book “Finding Lost Space”, defining these spaces as “the undesirable urban areas in need of re-design, anti-spac...
Construction of the facility is now underway in Carrington near Manchester. It is scheduled to begin operations in early 2026 and the company predicts it will provide more than 700 jobs in construction and the supply chain. The plant will have a storage capacity of 300 MWh and an output of ...
design, engineering, England, Express Building, faience, imdustry, Joe Sunlight, Johnson & Nephew, Johnson's Wire, Kendals, L Kaye, Manchester, Manchester Amateur Photographic Society, Manchester Odeon, modern architecture, modernism, Modernist, Pet Shop, Photography, River Tib, Rylands Building, Sta...
Capgemini is trusted by its clients to address the entire breadth of their business needs, from strategy and design to operations, fuelled by the fast evolving and innovative world of cloud, data, AI, connectivity, software, digital engineering and platforms. The Group reported in 2022 glo...
These challenges fall on the power electronics and motor design community, whose default silicon technology has been tried and tested. However, nothing lasts forever, and everything has limitations. Passive PFC is moving to active PFC, and higher-performing inverters are a must; simply adding more...
The “Big Room” in construction refers to a large facility supporting the colocation of the entire project team, where some of the critical problems such as delays in decision-making, problems in communication, disparity in design iterations are eliminated. The Big Room framework has been proven...