Voxel artifacts are evident. The following mesh is generated using MC on a discrete distance function generated from the binary volume. Voxel artifacts are less evident. Eventually, a level set of the convolution surface (CS) is generated from the skeleton of the Iliac bifurcation. The CS also...
The performance of the in-ear electrochemical sensor was first evaluated in vitro under the established concentration range of sweat lactate39. As shown in Fig.3aand Extended Data Fig.8a, the successive additions of 5 mM lactate displayed an increase in the well-defined current response of the...
However, rapidly switching gradient induces eddy currents, generating artifacts in image. The golden ratio (GR) based radial strategy was compared with conventional radial strategy on 0.7T open superconducting MRI system. Materials and methods In conventional radial strategy, a constant angle increment...
These signals were preprocessed using a low-pass with finite impulse response filter, while the talking task results in low-amplitude artifacts with a similar frequency of hemodynamic response, hence it may affect cortical activity [57]. In [66], multiple filters were applied for EEG- and ECG-...
Creativity As a response to declining numbers in students' preferences for STEM, young students' interest in STEM needs to be stimulated throughout schooling. The maker movement, as a key part of a third industrial revolution, provides opportunities for the creation of STEM-related artifacts ...
The HSUV application case study proved that all the necessary security artifacts could be created in the SysML model (security requirements, misuse cases, asset structure definition, attack scenarios, threat and Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 2574 17 of 18 Power Control ECU that represented the phases ...
relatively free of artifacts, thus resulting in 65 channels available for source reconstruction and 863 trials for signal averaging. Finally, a time-locked average of the trials was computed withft_timelockanalysis. A butterfly plot and the peak topography of the resulting data are shown in Fig...
As students construct artifacts that reflect the knowledge they are construct- ing, the construction of the artifact further informs the construction of knowledge in a positive feedback loop. From constructionist theory we derived the design principles of (1) making or generativity, (2) tinkering, ...