This text provides a practical, real-world understanding of engineering optimization. Rather than belaboring underlying proofs and mathematical derivations, it emphasizes optimization methodology, focusing on techniques and stratagems relevant to engineering applications in design, operations, and analysis. It...
Engineering Optimization: AnIntroduction withMetaheuristic Applications. 221 ByXin-SheYang Copyright©2010JohnWiley&Sons,Inc. 222 CHAPTER17.FIREFLYALGORITHM Sometropicfirefliescanevensynchronizetheirflashes,thusformingemerging biologicalself-organizedbehavior. Weknowthatthelightintensityataparticulardistancerfromthe...
Optimization carries great significance in both human affairs and the laws of nature. It refers to a positive and intrinsically human concept of minimization or maximization to achieve the best or most favorable outcome from a given situation. Besides, as the resources are becoming scarce there is...
optimization.The system provided a Patran environment for users to establish the model of problem,while Nastran was executed as structural analysis code and the optimizer was based on two-level multi-point approximation method.The designed examples were typical complex structures of spacecraft ...
Engineering optimization: Methods and applications : By G. V. Reklaitis, A. Ravindran and K. M. Ragsdell; published by Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1983; xvii + 684 pp.; price, 37.95doi:10.1016/0300-9467(84)85058-3C. StoreyElsevier B.V....
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Xin-She Yang (2024). Engineering Optimization: An Introduction with Metaheuristic Applications (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved December 27, 2024. ...
Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications provides a hands-on treatment of the subject of optimization. A comprehensive set of problems and exercises makes the book suitable for use in one or two semesters of a first-year graduate course or an advanced undergraduate course. Each...
摘要: Introduction to Engineering Design Optimization , Chinyere Okechi Onwubiko, 2000, Technology & Engineering, 312 pages. Engineering Design Optimization is written for students who are looking to optimize their engineering designs, but are unaware of the mathematical rigor needed to address their....