Experience is a prized attribute in any profession including the career as electrical engineer. Many employers want their new joiners to have some sort of industry experience in the form of internships. Students of electrical engineering are strongly encouraged to do an internship to develop contacts...
[-iwspword] (n-gram) add short-pause word for inter-word CD sp [-iwspentry entry] (n-gram) word entry for "-iwspword" (<UNK> [sp] sp sp) [-adddict dictfile] (n-gram) load extra dictionary [-addentry entry] (n-gram) load extra word entry Isolated Word Recognition: -w file...
This is a short book, but it will give you a great handle on the C language and if you practice it a little you'll quickly get proficient. Understanding C helps you understand how programs and memory work. You don't need to go super deep in the book (or even finish it). Just get...
If short on time: Write Great Code: Volume 1: Understanding the Machine The book was published in 2004, and is somewhat outdated, but it's a terrific resource for understanding a computer in brief. The author invented HLA, so take mentions and examples in HLA with a grain of salt. Not...