The Engine shudder is 'the effect'. 'The cause' could be something different. Was the car unused for a long time? If so, maybe the fuel pumps got clogged a common fault with most Ferraris/Maseratis. An easy way to check is to briefly open the tank drain under the car and see if ...
I even did some tests on it sitting in a parking lot, stopping, waiting for the engine to shut down, and leaving it off for an extended period of time before accelerating again. Essentially, I was recreating the sorts of conditions in which the shuddering happened- and doing the sort of...
Doesn’t have anything to do with speed I’m going at so doubt this is to do with wheels/tyres. And to address the common issue with the 6speed GM transmission, I don’t have any shuddering and I have just had the filter and fluid replaced (also added 2oz of Lubeguard instant shud...
You’ll want to take the Kia Sorento you’ve got your eye on out for a test drive for many reasons, but testing the possibility of impending engine failure is the biggest one. If you notice any shaking, shuddering, or difficulties accelerating, steer clear. Look closely at the body of ...
You're heading down the interstate when you see an eighteen-wheeler merging into traffic. As you hit the gas a little to pull ahead and give the truck some space, you feel your car shudder a bit. By the time you reach home, you've forgotten all about it. A month later, however, ...
As you drive take note of any issues such as a distinct lack of power, any odd shuddering, or any other sort of odd behavior. The code reader can give you some details to get you started on the process of replacing parts and electronics and getting things tuned in. Your local auto ...