Premises on API Standards The American Petroleum Institute (API) is an organization representing all segments of America’s oil and natural gas industry. Api specifications are divided into two categories according with the engine type. API specs consist of two letters. The first indicates the ...
Engine Oil Licensingand Certification System API 1509FIFTEENTH EDITION, APRIL 2002 Copyright American Petroleum Institute Provided by IHS under license with APINot for Resale No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- ...
API Service Grade Certified Use an engine oil that is API Certified. MOPAR® provides engine oils, that meet or exceed this requirement. SAE Viscosity An SAE viscosity grade is used to specify the viscosity of engine oil. Use only engine oils with multiple viscosities. These are specified wit...
China has adopted the API engine oil category over the past three decades. Referred to as ‘National Standards,’ the diesel engine oil specification is GB11122, and ranges from API CD to CI-4. Xie says these standards will not fully cover the latest Chinese engine manufacturers’ requirement...
This high-quality diesel engine oil is suitable for both light and heavy load diesel engines that utilize EGR, SCR, and other advanced emission devices. It can also meet the oil demand of ordinary heavy load high-speed four-stroke naturally aspi...
1, 2016. These new service categories improve upon existing standards by providing enhanced protection against oil oxidation, engine wear, particulate filter blocking, piston deposits, and degradation of low- and high-temperature properties. API CK-4 describes oils for use in high-speed, four-...
0W-40 is super low temperature engine oil, formulated by premium base oils and advanced additives and meet fluidity below -45℃. It will launch engine quickly, reduce friction, engine noise and meet the high speed running lubrication requirements of medium/high level cars. It will save fuel an...
内容提示: Designation: D4485 − 19Standard Specif i cation forPerformance of Active API Service Category Engine Oils 1This standard is issued under the f i xed designation D4485; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision...
Error messages prevent advancement; Migrated data not eligible for rebranding; Under old process, Part Q data reviewed and retained but not entered like Part B data; Rebranding only possible with re-entered data; Check or wire transfer details necessary; Only API can change brand names once appro...
aThe TPCP was inspired by recognition of the need for a third-party certification program to evaluate and certify a variety of oil and gas industry training courses. API certified training courses tell your customers that the expert in industry standards has evaluated the essential elements of your...