ANDRUS, SCEALES, STARKE & SAWALL (MILWAUKEE, WI, US) Claims: We claim: 1. A four-stroke cycle V-engine, comprising: a pair of cylinder banks each having one or more cylinders, said cylinder banks being slanted with respect to each other to form a V-engine configuration, with said cyl...
3 HP Falk Sideshaft Engine w/ Rumely Dynamo SOLD Falk 3 HPvolume governed sideshaft engine 1910-1912 or there after. This Falk engine tag reads: The Falk Co. Milwaukee Licensed under SECOR-HIGGINS System of Oil Combustion Kerosene Engines 1907 Engine # A 987 3 HP 560 RPM. Rumley started...
Inventors: Olson, Eric S. (Milwaukee, WI, US) Narayan, Anand P. (Boulder, CO, US) Thomas, John K. (Erie, CO, US) Application Number: 11/103138 Publication Date: 04/15/2008 Filing Date: 04/11/2005 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation ...