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A self-professed public speaking geek, Karen is a highly sought-after and engaging presenter who has delivered talks at hundreds of conferences and corporate events. Her TEDx talk,Women in Tech: The Missing Force, explores the decline in gender diversity in tech, why it’s a problem, and wh...
A successfulpublic speakingstrategy is to make a bold statement and then ask a question. For example, you may state that “Most people are not aware of the five causes of climate change,” and then ask, “Are you one of these people?” Instead of starting out with a list of causes, ...
Zembe, Y.Z., Townsend, L., Thorson, A.et al.“Money talks, bullshit walks” interrogating notions of consumption and survival sex among young women engaging in transactional sex in post-apartheid South Africa: a qualitative enquiry.Global Health9, 28 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1744-...
Some of these relate to work at Buffer, and some didn’t. Either way, they’re a great opportunity for teammates to share interests and practice public speaking. Fire up the group chat In a large-group Zoom call, it is generally good practice to mute yourself unless you’re speaking. Bu...
Some of the other ones are open-ended questions like Word Clouds. Where you’d ask people like, in one or two words, what do you hope to accomplish at the end of today’s session on public speaking? And they say, confidence and, projection and things like that, body language and thin...
Unlock the key strategies for selecting the best presentation coach tailored to your specific needs to enhance your public speaking abilities. Blog post How corporate storytelling affects your bottom line If your company only talks about features, product updates, and services … you’re missing out...
In 1st Thessalonians, it seems that Paul has this question on his mind. Skim through the letter, and you’ll notice that he often talks about Jesus’ return. In fact, whomever first divided up the letter into chapters seems to have done so by observing the places Paul refers to the retu...
The book talks about “sustainability culture” in mining, a new way of thinking that must extend from miners and producers to manufacturers and consumers. “The reason I use the word ‘culture’ is that I want to move beyond statistics. I want to create a deeper bond, acare factor...
“My students are learning in a way many people couldn’t fathom,” says Villalba. “I want them to understand that anything is possible.” Angela Gillen talks to her students on Teams. (Photo courtesy of Gillen) Across the Atlantic in England, Angela Gillen marvels at how far she and he...