I used data for California snow water content totals from the California Department of Water Resources. Other California water-related visualizations includereservoir levels in the stateas well. There are three sets of stations (and a state average) that are tracked in the data and these plots: ...
How is the 27,320 Kaf Total Capacity for 46 reservoirs in the State on https://engaging-data.com/ca-reservoir-level/ be different from the 28,853 Total Capacity per “California Reservoir levels” on https://engaging-data.com/ca-reservoir-dashboard/? Reply chris says: March 4, 2021 at...
Also, I added the ability to see yesterday’s data as well. In the future, I will add the ability to see other dates as well. Data Sources and Tools Data for electricity sources for California grid comes from theCalifornia Independent System Operator (CAISO). This data from this site is ...
The data on water storage comes fromthe US Bureau of Reclamation’s Lower Colorado River Water Operations website. Historical reservoir levels comes from thewater-data.com website. Python is used to extract the data and wrangle the data in to a clean format, using the Pandas data analysis li...
California Electricity Generation Tioga Pass Opening Dates Colorado River Reservoir Levels California Reservoirs and Snowpack California Snowpack Levels Using up our Carbon Budget California Rainfall Totals Where is all the water on Earth? CO2 Emissions Since You Were Born ...
I used data for California snow water content totals from the California Department of Water Resources. Other California water-related visualizations includereservoir levels in the stateas well. There are three sets of stations (and a state average) that are tracked in the data and these plots: ...
I used data for California snow water content totals from the California Department of Water Resources. Other California water-related visualizations includereservoir levels in the stateas well. There are three sets of stations (and a state average) that are tracked in the data and these plots: ...
(snowy in the mountains). I wanted to visualize how the current year compares with historical levels for this time of year. I used data for California rainfall totals from the California Department of Water Resources. Other California water-related visualizations includereservoir levels in the state...
Annual emissions data is from theGlobal Carbon Project. The data is processed in javascript and plotted usingthe open-source, javascript plotting library, Plotly. Related Posts Colorado River Reservoir Levels California Snowpack Levels Visualization ...
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