ban REk m banana RFK o band RFy s bandage RGe + bandit RHc l bang RIB c Bangkok Bqy g Bangladesh BrS q banisters RId 7 bank RJ9 X bank clerk RLz n bank manager RMa t bank official RNH q banker RKU f bank‐note RJY l bankruptcy RKz BA banner RNx r banquet ROc BC Bantu Br8...
From a sociocultural theory perspective, Step 4 facilitates the translation of presented con- cepts into material form, which is what Gal’perin calls for in his material stage (Haenen, 1996). As Kozulin (2003) notes, “mediation of mean- ing is an essential moment in the acquisition of...
You said “split this up”, could you tell me if I must take the translation for this, which according to Google is :To divide something, literally? Thanks! MOLOKO Hello Moloko, hope thing’s been doing great! To ski (something) up is a phrasal verb, and here are some of the ...
msgi/nlp-journey NLP 相关的一些文档、论文及代码, 包括主题模型(Topic Model)、词向量(Word Embedding)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、文本分类(Text Classificatin)、文本生成(Text Generation)、文本相似性(Text Similarity)计算、机器翻译(Machine Translation)等,涉及到各种与nlp相关的算法,基于tensorflow...
msgi/nlp-journey NLP 相关的一些文档、论文及代码, 包括主题模型(Topic Model)、词向量(Word Embedding)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、文本分类(Text Classificatin)、文本生成(Text Generation)、文本相似性(Text Similarity)计算、机器翻译(Machine Translation)等,涉及到各种与nlp相关的算法,基于tensorflow...