In these cases, our analysts are supported to the Biodefense Knowledge Center (BKC)—a 24×7 support cell based at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and sponsored by the S&T Directorate. The BKC possesses vast repositories of biological technical information and is able to access SMEs from ...
to a better mentorship program for women across CBP. “Does the Border Patrol benefit from having women? The answer is absolutely yes,” says Chavez, who has been with the agency for 22 years and now oversees the law enforcement operations directorate. “I find it brings a sense of balance...
If government organizations are tracking sovereign citizens, information gathered may be classified and not available to the public. Recent reports indicate that the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) tracks domestic terrorism (Swan, 2019). Whether or not they track sovereign citizens is un...
For example, Resolution 562 made commercial fishing in JRMR subject to consent by the Directorate of Fishing Regulations and prohibited sport and recreational fishing unless authorized by a special permit. The JRMR is in the heart of the archipelago, which comprises three cays. In 2010, under...