EURORDIS. Sobre las Enfermedades Raras[Internet]. Unión Europea:EURORDIS;2021[citado 24 Feb 2021]. Disponible en: Disponible en: . González JO, González B. Enfermedades raras en edad pediátrica...
Investigando enfermedades raras del adulto en atención primaria: una hipótesis clasificatoriaserum sickness"likecefonicidhyperprolactinemiaverapamilchronic granulomatous diseasep67-phox deficiencyacute subarachnoid hemorrhageplatelet storage pool diseasetype i myotonic dystrophy...
El objetivo de esta revisión es atraer la atención del lector sobre el compromiso oftalmológico en varias enfermedades. Summary The eye besides giving us sight, it let us know the general health of the whole body as well. Many systemic diseases become evident in the visual organ before, dur...
Percepción de las enfermedades raras por el médico de atención primaria 427 50 40 30 20 41,54% 31,92% 10 15,77% 5,38% 5,38% 0 Ningún Dificultad Encuesta Resulta No valoración problema realizar interesante interesante encuesta encuesta conocer datos ER Figura 3 Encuesta. ER y ...
Los registros de enfermedades en la investigacion epidemiologica de las enfermedades raras en Espana. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2006; 80(3):249-257. Disponible en: Llorens O, Martinez Garcia C, Arizo Luque V, Sanchez Perez MJ,...
Las enfermedades raras: aspectos eticos y juridicos especif icos sobre el consejo y el cribado geneticosRare diseases that are genetic in originHealthcareGenetic analysisGenetic counselingGenetic screeningInformed ConsentLaw on Biomedical Research
The results show that the relationships that are created between the members of the educational community are satisfactory for the students, and are experienced by professionals and families as something fundamental and beneficial for the entire center. However, greater support is still ...
El farmacéutico en el contexto de las enfermedades raras y los medicamentos huérfanosorphan medicinesrare diseasesmanagementpharmaceutical careTreatment of rare diseases is often complicated due to the difficulties posed by the research and development of medicines by the pharmacological industry. One of...
Inclusive education has also gained relevance in international agreements such as the Salamanca Declaration of 1994 or the 2030 Agenda, and in legislative reforms at different national levels. Despite these initiatives, inclusive education has been transformed into selective education, ...