In a pioneering move, China launched a project last year to channel hydrogen from Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, to Beijing through a 400-km hydrogen pipeline, the country's first trans-regional, long-distance channel, said Ma ...
doi:10.1002/3527603239.ch18A. ImbertyS. PerezA. Imberty, S. Perez, Traveling through the potential energy surface of sialyl Lewisx, in: Y. Chapleur (Ed.), Carbohydrate Mimics: Concepts and Methods, Wiley VCH, Weinheim, 1998, pp. 349-364....
S. PerezEdited by Chapleur, Yves; Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69469 Weinheim, GermanyJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.CheminformA. Imberty, S. Perez, Traveling through the potential energy surface of sialyl Lewisx, in: Y. Chapleur (Ed.), Carbohydrate Mimics: Concepts and Methods, Wiley VCH, ...
In a pioneering move, China launched a project last year to channel hydrogen from Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, to Beijing through a 400-km hydrogen pipeline, the country's first trans-regional, long-distance channel, said Ma ...
Imbalanced Alfvénic turbulence is a universal process playing a crucial role in energy transfer in space, astrophysical, and laboratory plasmas. A fundamental and long-lasting question about the imbalanced Alfvénic turbulence is how and through w
Both domestic airlines have a 25 -35 pound baggage allowance and on their websites they say that: "any excess baggage is accepted as baggage conditional and subject to available space inside the aircraft. If there is available space would be sent on the same flight, otherwise it will be sen...
As we reflect on the journey through the economic, technological, and environmental landscapes of renewable energy, it becomes clear that switching to renewable sources like solar panels and solar generators is not only a feasible choice but a financially wise and environmentally responsible one. The...
Moreover, the full potential of the approach remains to be assessed: there is a huge parameter space to be investigated, and performance could end up being much better. We also stress that the “on–off” pumping can be applied in several contexts, pipelines being only one of those. Such...
Fi in public areas, ensuring that guests can stay connected and productive throughout their stay. Additionally, there is free Wi-Fi available in all rooms, making it convenient for guests to browse the internet, check emails, or stream their favorite shows from the comfort of their own space...
excitations. It is however, concluded that the collective wave-particle interactions of dual-nature plasmonic excitations inside energy band gaps is accompanied by enhancement of wave-like amplitude and reduction in particle-like one through the space. This is a novel aspect of collective quantum ...