Energy Transfer LP (Energy Transfer) is a diversified midstream energy company. It owns and operates a diverse portfolio of energy assets. The company's core operations include natural gas midstream; intrastate and interstate transportation, and storage of crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas li...
Energy Transfer將以71億美元收購Crestwood 格隆匯新聞 技術分析7 RSI 1063.2450- RSI 1462.4940- RSI 2062.3820- MACD(8/17 天)0.2130利好 MACD(12/25 天)0.3080利好 最近查詢報價 代號/名稱 現價 升跌(%) Energy Transfer LP Common Units ET 即時串流報價: ...
About the company Energy Transfer LP owns and operates a diversified portfolios of energy assets in the United States, with more than 130,000 miles of pipeline and associated energy infrastructure. The Company is engaged in natural gas operations, such as natural gas midstream and intrastate transpo...
公司名称:Energy Transfer Lp 所属板块:油气中游产业 上市日期:2006-02-03 交易所:美国纽约证券交易所 公司网址: 总股本:34.24亿股 公司简介:Energy Transfer 拥有美国最大的原油、天然气和天然气液化资产投资组合之一,主要位于德克萨斯州和美国中部大陆地区。其管道网络总长 130,000 ...
12月31日,Energy Transfer Lp(ET.US)公佈業績,公告顯示公司2023財年淨利潤爲39.32億美元,同比減少17.26%;其中營業收入爲785.86億美元,同比減少12.56%,每股基本收益爲1.10美元。 從資產負債表來看,Energy Transfer Lp(ET.US)總負債693.98億美元,其中短期債務10.64億美元,資產負債比爲0.01,流動比率爲1.11。
能源转换股权公司Energy Transfer Equity, L.P.(NYSE:ETE)创立于2002年,总部位于美国德州达拉斯,全职雇员27,605人,是又一个市值250亿美刀的大家伙,是一家天然气经营商,主要从事天然气开采、运输管道建设及储存。 能源传输伙伴Energy Transfer LP(NYSE:ETE)创立于2002年,前称能源传输公司Energy Transfer Equity, L....
Energy Transfer LP provides energy-related services. The company owns and operates approximately 11,600 miles of natural gas transportation pipeline, and three natural gas storage facilities in Texas and two natural gas storage facilities located in the state of Texas and Oklahoma; and 19,830 miles...
【Energy Transfer LP的财务分析与市场前景】①Energy Transfer LP公布的Q2 FY2024财报显示,公司调整后EBITDA实现强劲增长,主要驱动因素为管道容量创历史新高和资产优化策略的实施,凸显了公司在提升运营效率和盈利性方面的成效。②通过扩展业务至AI和数据中心市场,Ene
Energy Transfer also owns Lake Charles LNG Company, as well as thegeneral partner interests, theincentive distribution rightsand 28.5 million common units of Sunoco LP (NYSE: SUN), and the general partner interests and 46.1 million common units of USA Compression Partners, LP (NYSE: USAC). ...
【Energy Transfer LP的财务分析与市场前景】①Energy Transfer LP公布的Q2 FY2024财报显示,公司调整后EBITDA实现强劲增长,主要驱动因素为管道容量创历史新高和资产优化策略的实施,凸显了公司在提升运营效率和盈利性方面的成效。②通过扩展业务至AI和数据中心市场,Energy Transfer LP开辟了新的收入流,有效利用其天然气...