(1) efficiency – real-world champion DSSCs use rather fancy Ruthenium based dyes, and even then, don’t begin to seriously challenge inorganic PV. Efficiency matters in a great many applications because much of the Balance Of Systems (BOS) costs are area, i.e. inverse efficiency, dependent...
Within WRI, we are grateful to Rutger Hofste and Tianyi Luo for their contributions to the research and water stress maps, as well as the following colleagues who provided guidance, quality control, and review: Manish Bapna, Priya Barua, Hyacinth Billings, Liz Cook, Amy D'Avella, Daryl ...
much energy use and climate data as possible: This procedure has been named in literature "inverse modeling" [26], in opposition to the "forward modeling", in which energy predictions are assembled on the basis of physical properties of building systems, including geometry, location, and ...
Billings County provided the map of different alternatives for the bridge. The map in Figure 3 was used to generate different scenarios for the bridge. Locations, production capacities, and travel demand from oil wells and water sources were taken from the North Dakota Oil and Gas Commission web...