Meskipun kebanyakan orang menggunakan karbohidrat (glukosa), penelitian sekarang menunjukkan bahwa membakar lemak (keton) untuk energi adalah alternatif yang lebih sehat. Tubuh Anda dapat membakar dua bahan bakar untuk energi: karbohidrat atau lemak. Karbohidrat diubah menjadi glukosa sedangkan ...
Nicholas drew from the plan targeting a least-cost power generation system to provide a blueprint for developers of the new plan and suggested that JICA should: (i) prioritise grid investments to make better use of existing power capacity; (ii) prevent the continued over-build of new power c...
Based in Bali, providing affordable and economically renewable energy solutions for remote communities, resorts, commercial premises, homes and businesses throughout Indonesia and ASEAN using combinations of solar panels (photovoltaic panels), wind turbines, hydro generators and energy storage systems as ...