national energy policy should be directed toward the ultimate goal of a mixed hydrogen-electricity energy system because both of these energy forms can be made from a wide variety of abundant, domestic primary energy sources. Current hydrogen energy research should be focused on the production area...
The United States’ Department of Energy (DOE) has established requirements that have to be met by 2015; regarding the reversible storage of hydrogen according to which the required gravimetric density should be 9 wt % and the volumetric capacity should be 81 g of H2/L[10-11]. To fulfill ...
Founding Editor-in-ChiefView full editorial board T. Nejat Veziroglu International Association for Hydrogen Energy, Miami, Florida, United States Articles Latest published Articles in press Top cited Most downloaded Most popular Research articleAbstract only Some aspects of solar-hydrogen energy: Effect ...
hydrogen is of high societal importance in energy technologies and of growing importance in energy-efficient computing. In energy, hydrogen has reemerged as a potential solution to long-term energy storage and as a carbon-free input for materials manufacturing. Its utilization and production rely on...
Capacity and cost analysis of underground hydrogen storage in salt caverns in the United States Yao Huang, ... Mohamed Mehana 14 March 2025 Research articleAbstract only Highly active oxygen electrodes for metal-supported solid oxide electrolysis cells ...
Development of a practical formate/bicarbonate energy system Liquid (organic) hydrogen carriers form a toolbox for the storage and transport of green hydrogen but organic salts have been scarcely investigated. Here, the authors present a potassium formate/potassium bicarbonate hydrogen storage and release...
Finding gaps in the national electric vehicle charging station coverage of the United States Consecutive coverage of fast charging station access for long distance Electric Vehicle trips in the U.S. is lacking. However, if implemented as planned, federal funding for chargers will help most counties...
These underground reservoirs of steam and hot water can be tapped to generate electricity or to heat and cool buildings directly.
The energy of hydrogen atom in the first excited state is ___ View Solution The ground state energy of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. Calculate (i)the kinetic energy of the electron in the 1st excited state. (ii)the potential energy of the electron in the 3rd excited state. (iii...
Hydrogen:There were other initiatives included in the GDA, such as theUAE Hydrogen Declaration of Intent, with 39 countries endorsing a global hydrogen certification standard.Hydrogen is a versatile energy carrierthat could help decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors. Based on announced projects, hydrogen...