2. 能源之星环保商标 美国联邦政府宣布,将开始以能源之星环保商标(Energy Star Label)认证能源之星专案下(Energy Star program)最具能源效率的 … www.greentrade.org.tw|基于 1 个网页 3. 节能星标志 简单的说,节能星级房屋是持有节能星标志(Energy Star Label)的房屋。建筑物必需符合严格的技术指标,在得到认证...
Choose Energy Star Label For Cost-saving AppliancesBlanchard, Tobie M
Requirements for Energy Guide Label and Energy Star 能源指导标签及能源之星规格;Energy Guide Label and Energy Star Comparison 能源指导标签与能源之星的对比 ;Governing Body主管团队 ;Governing Body主管团队 ;Effective Date生效日期 ;Energy Guide Label Requirements 能源指导标签要求;Energy Guide Label Resource ...
Free Essay: The Meaning of the Energy Star Labels and How They Can Save You Money If conserving energy and saving money on your energy bills are issues that...
ENERGY STAR: USA profile in Ecolabel Index, the independent global directory of ecolabels and environmental certification schemes.
中英文版Energy Guide Label and Energy Star May2011 CONFIDENTIAL1 EnergyGuideLabelandEnergyStarComparison能源指导标签与能源之星的对比TwoDifferentPrograms两个不同的项目 EnergyGuideGoverningBody主管团体USFTC美国公平贸易委员会EnergyStarUSEPA美国环保署 RequiredBy要求部门 EffectiveDate生效Requirements要求- USGovernment...
aSelect IdeaPad laptops and netbooks carry the ENERGY STAR label attesting to their superior energy efficiency. This lowers operating costs and reduces overall energy use and heat emissions. 精选的IdeaPad膝上计算机和netbooks运载证实到他们的优越节能的能量星标签。 这降低营业成本并且减少整体能量利用和热...
Energy Star Ratingmeans the ENERGY STAR rating developed by the Sample 1 Examples ofEnergy Star Ratingin a sentence Provide windows with SHGC <0.25 (to achieve anEnergy Star Rating). They must also have anEnergy Star Ratingand Label on the equipment at the final inspection. ...
This stream of yoga is said to provide energy healing using movements, dynamic breathing techniques, meditation, and the chanting of mantras, such as Sat Nam, meaning "truth is my identity" with an aim to build physical vitality and increase consciousness. Meet the Emirati doctor practising yoga...
检测提供LED与CFLs照明产品能源之星分享(Energy Star)全面解决方案。美国能源之星(ENERGYSTAR®)、美国加州能源委员会(CEC)、欧洲能源相关产品指令(ErPDirective)、澳洲能效(MEPS)、其它能效测试。 测试项目&培训 能源之星测试 (ENERGY STAR®)光电源标签检测 (DOE-Lighting Facts Label)灯具设计联盟 (DLC-Design ...